One of the brilliant aspects of the Brown Institute’s design is our quarterly “all hands” meetings. Every few months, the Magic Grantees, fellows and staff from the Stanford and Columbia
Momentum Builds for 2019 Magic Grant ‘Trump Town’
Who exactly is running the federal government? To answer this question, ProPublica launched Trump Town, the only public collection of data on the Trump administration’s current and former appointees. Since
A technology of trust in a trustless information economy: Insights into The News Provenance Project
By Bernat Ivancsics and Bhaskar Ghosh Yesterday, The New York Times’ R&D team, in collaboration with IBM Garage, released the initial findings of The News Provenance Project (NPP), which began
Introducing mapping local news project with The Lenfest Institute for Journalism
Major advances in computation have made mapping local news easier. What can we learn from analyzing where stories fall on a map? Last fall, the Brown Institute and The Lenfest
Solutions Journalism for Maternal Health Reporting
Nigeria’s estimated 58,000 maternal deaths account for a staggering 19% of the world’s annual total — a statistic from a country that represents just 2.6% of the world’s population. Mobile
2019 At the Brown Institute
As we move into 2020, we thought we would take a moment to reflect on both our struggles and success of 2019. From our new staff additions Ziv Schneider and
News Products – A New Course Offering at CJS
For Spring 2020, the Brown Institute is excited to announce a new course on News Products which will be open to all MS, MA, and Dual-Degree students! The course will
Datashare wins best open source project at #OSSPARIS19
The Brown Institute is pleased to announce that Datashare, a Magic Grant project by ICIJ, has been announced as the winner of the best open source project at the Paris
Magic Grant “1000 Cut” Featured in The New Yorker
In the December 2019 edition of The New Yorker, Patricia Marx writes about “Taking Virtual Reality for a Test Drive.” Reality being what it is right now, doesn’t an alternative