Join us in celebrating the launch of “Fade Resistance”, a project by Zun Lee. “Fade Resistance” seeks to restore the narrative impact of thousands of found African American vernacular Polaroid photographs,
CategoryIn the News
Another video from the Reframe Iran team published
The Reframe Iran project continues to publish pieces of its year-long project. This time, the first video in a series of short documentaries on different aspects of the Iranian art
Cannabis Wire wins NY Innovation Grant
The Made in NY Media Center by IFP, in partnership with Mayor De Blasio’s Office of Media & Entertainment and the New York City Economic Development Corpoation, announced the first
Science Surveyor in the NiemanLab Blog
The goal of Science Surveyor, a flagship project sponsored by the Brown Institute, is simply stated – Produce better reporting on science. The NiemanLab Blog has just published an overview of
In Face on Facebook
2014-2015 Magic Grantees Jessa Lingel and Adam Golub have just published a paper from the Bushwig project. “In Face on Facebook: Brooklyn’s Drag Community and Sociotechnical Practices of Online Communication” appears in the June
ACM on Data Journalism
This month’s Communications of the ACM includes “Putting the Data Science into Journalism.” Our flagship project Science Surveyor is detailed as an example of journalistic technology, and the Lede Program
Brown, NYU and NewsCorps make data viz toolset
@justinhendrix from the NYC Media Lab has posted a great alrticle on Medium, “Why media companies are rushing to partner with universities.” Featured in the piece is a reference to the
Brown space in Metropolis Magazine
The February issue of Metropolis Magazine features the Brown Institute Space! Its unique program is discussed in detail with the institute’s architect and lighting designers. Last fall, the university opened a
BBC visits Brown and Stanford, features Magic Grantee in story
Editors from the BBC visited Stanford last fall armed with questions about the future of news. The BBC spoke to Brown’s leadership team, students and Magic Grantees to learn about