Lisa Riordan Seville and Zara Katz, fellows of our Photography Expanded program, and photographer Zora J. Murff are exhibiting an installation of photography, video and, yes, data visualization, at the Photoville festival in Brooklyn Bridge Park. “Women on the Outside” accompanies Kristal Bush as she drives from Philadelphia to the state prisons in Smithfield and Huntingdon. Kristal knows these routes well – she runs a van service that takes families and friends to visit their loved ones in prison. “Women on the Outside” is about one trip in Kristal’s van and the relationships between the women who rode with her. The Village Voice wrote that the exhibition “conveys the bonds, and moments of joy, that take shape amid this new kind of family.” The installation was also mentioned in The New York Times’s coverage of Photoville.
The Brown Institute partnered with the Magnum Foundation to support Riordan and Katz with this project. Our own Michael Krisch contributed some powerful data depictions of the Pennsylvania prison system, putting Kristal’s ride into context. Photoville closes Sunday, September 25. See it if you can.