Mark Hansen, Director of the Brown Institute at Columbia, has been featured on Columbia News in a piece discussing the institute’s open Magic Grant Call for Proposals. He also describes the mission of Brown and its role in the Journalism School and Columbia University broadly. Read the piece on Columbia’s main site (
The 2019-20 Magic Grant CfP closes April 8, 2019. Apply here.
We have also been creating profiles of our current 2018-19 Magic Grants to give journalists, researchers and creative technologists a sense of the kinds of things we fund. Last year’s grants cover a broad range of topics, from deep investigations into the algorithms and software behind DNA genotyping, to new ways to train AI systems, to an archive preserving the work of journalists killed in Mexico since 2000.
Consider applying for a Magic Grant this year! Grants made through the Columbia side of the institute are open to anyone affiliated with Columbia or the larger research and creative communities in New York City and beyond!